24, Street Edaghbagi 1000 Tunis
Maître Naceur HAMMAMIA Law Firm specializes in several areas of business law, such as civil and commercial contract law, real estate law, commercial law, company law, business criminal law, and labor law. Additionally, family law and association and co-ownership union law can be added to this list.
Yes, you can make an appointment with Maître Naceur HAMMAMIA by contacting our law firm by phone or email. We will be happy to provide you with a legal consultation to discuss your specific needs.
Maître Naceur HAMMAMIA Law Firm offers in-depth expertise in the field of business law, as well as a personalized approach for each client. We are committed to providing effective legal solutions and defending the interests of our clients with integrity and professionalism.
Yes, Maître Naceur HAMMAMIA has significant experience in representing clients in commercial disputes. Our law firm can assist you in all stages of the process, including negotiation, mediation, and, if necessary, representation in court.
The fees associated with legal services will depend on the nature of your case and the legal complexity involved. Once you have made an appointment for a consultation, we will be able to discuss specific fees for your situation.
You can contact us by calling +00216 71 352 128 or by sending an email to naceur@hammamia.tn. You can also visit our website www.hammamia.tn for more information.
Yes, a Tunisian resident abroad benefits from a privilege and only pays 1% in registration fees when financing a real estate acquisition in foreign currency.
Yes, a foreigner can engage in business activities in Tunisia, provided they obtain a merchant card.
Yes, a foreign investor in Tunisia can repatriate their dividends if they comply with the initial formalities, including declaring their investment to the Central Bank.
Yes, this is possible, especially for divorces pronounced by French courts. françaises.
Yes, bounced checks benefit from amnesty procedures in Tunisia.
Yes, startups receive financial and tax incentives during their establishment
Our references
who trust our know-how and experience since 1998.