24, Street Edaghbagi 1000 Tunis
Naceur Hammamia Law Firm is a business law firm established in the center of Tunis since 1998. Under the direction of Maître Naceur Hammamia, an advocate before the Court of Cassation, the firm benefits from over 24 years of extensive experience in the field of business law and litigation.
Maître Naceur HAMMAMIA is an experienced lawyer with over 24 years of experience, including 15 years as an advocate before the Court of Cassation. He is a seasoned professional with numerous years of legal and litigation expertise. His profession has earned him an excellent reputation, and he is respected for his skills and ability to resolve issues by finding the most advantageous solutions for his clients. Maître Naceur Hammamia is also recognized for his ability to provide clear and concise legal advice to his clients. He holds a postgraduate degree in contract and investment law from the Faculty of Law in Tunis, awarded in 1998.
The firm specializes in various areas of business law, including civil and commercial contracts, corporate law, debt recovery, etc. (please refer to the "Our Services" section for more information).
It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and the firm can also provide services in other legal areas based on the specific needs of its clients.
Our references
who trust our know-how and experience since 1998.