24, Street Edaghbagi 1000 Tunis
Naceur Hammamia Business Lawyers provides services to its clients in the field of banking law
As specialized banking lawyers, we represent our clients in all aspects of banking activities. Here is an overview of the services we offer: :
Bank loans : We provide legal advice to borrowers and lenders in bank loan transactions. We help our clients understand the terms and conditions of loan agreements, negotiate favorable terms, and protect their interests when entering into loans.
Bank accounts : We assist our clients in managing their bank accounts. This includes opening accounts, resolving issues related to banking transactions, disputes over bank fees, protecting bank data, etc.
Documentary credits : We advise our clients on the legal aspects of documentary credits, which are important financial instruments in international commercial transactions. We assist them in drafting and negotiating documentary credit contracts, ensuring that the terms and conditions meet the needs and interests of our clients.
Overdrafts : We provide legal advice to clients facing difficulties related to overdrafts. We assist them in managing overdrafts, negotiating with banks, and resolving any disputes that may arise.
Bank guarantees : We advise our clients on different types of bank guarantees, including demand guarantees, bank guarantees, letters of credit, etc. We assist them in drafting and negotiating guarantee contracts, ensuring that their interests are protected.
Bank mortgages : We provide legal advice on bank mortgages, which are securities used in real estate transactions. We assist our clients in drafting and negotiating mortgage contracts, ensuring that their rights are protected.
Banking facilities and working capital loans : We advise our clients on various banking facilities, such as lines of credit, authorized overdrafts, working capital loans, etc. We assist them in negotiating and drafting contracts related to these banking facilities, ensuring that their interests are taken into account.
Our firm has in-depth expertise in banking law. We understand the specific challenges our clients face in their banking transactions, and we are committed to providing competent and personalized legal advice.
If you require legal assistance in the field of banking law, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be pleased to discuss your situation and help you find the best solutions for your banking needs.
Our references
who trust our know-how and experience since 1998.